BPMS (Bachelor of Prophetic Medicine and Surgery) is a mega technological degree including techno prophetopathy and surgery.
20 years of homework has been done for this degree. Prophetic medicine in academic level has been experimented in form of degrees, diplomas, practical laboratory experiments etc.so that,this degree has that much base and merit. On 2000 onwards, Institute of Islamic Medical Science (IIMS) conducted Diploma course (DIMS-Diploma in Islamic Medical Science) in three batches for the observation of Aligarh Muslim University. Following it, degree course (BIMS -Bachelor of Islamic Medical Science) in two batches has been done. These all are done for science stream based students. Beyond that Diploma in Prophetic Medicine for religious scholars have been done. Also major ailments like Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes, lukaemia, Aids, etc have five year experiments and its result’s demonstration seminars, interactions etc. has been done and based on the above experiments, upto hundreds of books have been written. Also, various PhD has been done in Prophetic medicine. Including all these of 20 years of homework, all these benefits are included in this Mega degree.
Education disciplines a man worthy of his deeds. As by our vision we are making a safe student-friendly campus taught with value-based education thereby making him a productive resource for the morrow.When u seeks for knowledge we ensure it in all quality
In standing order conference, a major discussive part will be this BPMS. Hence the application possibility of BPMS through various discussions from faithfull academic experts will be in this Standing Order Conference.In mid of 2020, BPMS onwards all degree’s final decision will be take. From there onwards upto 2022, BPMS settings like (laboratory, herbarium, theatres etc.).In 2023 june, BPMS will be started. In brief, for all these, there will be a three years of settings. All defects will be fixed legally and professional practice in BPMS will be established.